It may be hard/annoying/awkward/irritating/etc.
But admit it, you're going to miss it when it ends.
Yupp!!I'm going to miss
especially when I spend all the single times
She will celebrate her
21st birthday coming soon..
Here we are!!
On last Wednesday...
we all hang out ramai2 ke KFC Alor Star..
to Dr.Yati..treat us like her own child..
During the celebration..
everyone said maybe..
puan will belanja 'snake plate'..
but it's really amaze..
she's such a good Mom & Teacher..
Hopefully one of us..
will be her first,second,third menantu..
haha..xhabis dalam khayalan!!!
that Mira have taken...
Snappp!!1,2,3..Hooray |
Frenz forever are struggling to much..
taking pictures..Syira, Myra & Dee
in front our 'cermin Besar + Aerobik'
After reach at KFC..
our jobs is posing 'like that' & 'like this'..
No matter how we try to be matured,
jiwang karat sorang..huhu.
Just the way we are..
I love all my chingoo
Puas gler tangkap gambar arini..
Bersyukur masih diberi
kesempatan tulis blog about my frenz..
then take pics wif them..
We donno what will happen in our life..
so let's us take gambar..
and make it as a precious moment..
I love all my chingoo
Puas gler tangkap gambar arini..
Bersyukur masih diberi
kesempatan tulis blog about my frenz..
then take pics wif them..

We donno what will happen in our life..
so let's us take gambar..
and make it as a precious moment..
Alan wif Nurin Jazlina..
Tengah lapar tunggu waiter hidang
'our Dinner Plate'..
Everyone are so happy..
So I did it..
My Ladybird are getting
beautiful and cute as she is..
She train us to be like her..
'Owhhh,,,jeles dgn senyuman manja tuh'..
Nooooo..i will not forget her..
Tengah lapar tunggu waiter hidang
'our Dinner Plate'..
Everyone are so happy..
So I did it..
My Ladybird are getting
beautiful and cute as she is..
She train us to be like her..
'Owhhh,,,jeles dgn senyuman manja tuh'..
Nooooo..i will not forget her..
The best Superhero and Supporter in my life!!
The nominess are belong to

Abdul Fattah B. Mat Nang..
Actually kita really close dengan
budak neyhh when
I was in sem 3..
Now..I know who he is??
He's good namja..
He's really protective..
His heart seakan sesuci tanah la..(hehe)
even muka dia bucuk2 ckit

but women trying to win his heart..
'My heart melting'
When we have a problem..
He came to us..
and gives pencerahan (solution)
bab keje memang tak berkira..
sentiasa on jer..
memang bley harap jugak sngat..
Dengan ikhlas..i wanna say
tq sebab dah banyak
sangat tolong selesai masalah ni dan itu..
I'm appreciate too much
about your help..
Even we are no longer together..
you always be my frenz..
(Ala sedeyh la plak..hmmm)
"Insyallah Lelaki Mithali'
Now..we have 2 years more
to be together..
when u are with us..
U make me and my friend happy..
'Maybe ada yang tak faham'
So if u you want to know him
closer..just call me XXXXXXX
Hopefully we will be friends forever..
Never ends..cuz
you really important in my life..
When a gírl tells you about her problems..
it doesn't mean she complains, but she trusts you.
Yess..he is!!Peace No War
He came to us..
and gives pencerahan (solution)
bab keje memang tak berkira..
sentiasa on jer..

memang bley harap jugak sngat..
Dengan ikhlas..i wanna say
tq sebab dah banyak
sangat tolong selesai masalah ni dan itu..
I'm appreciate too much
about your help..
Even we are no longer together..
you always be my frenz..
(Ala sedeyh la plak..hmmm)
"Insyallah Lelaki Mithali'
Now..we have 2 years more
to be together..
when u are with us..

U make me and my friend happy..
'Maybe ada yang tak faham'
So if u you want to know him
closer..just call me XXXXXXX
Hopefully we will be friends forever..
Never ends..cuz
you really important in my life..
When a gírl tells you about her problems..
it doesn't mean she complains, but she trusts you.
Yess..he is!!Peace No War
The more that time passes
You know that my heart is growing more and more
As my heart becomes bigger
You know my tears are increasing more and more
Because of him..
My mood are always like this..
I will updated ASAP
ALLAH berfirman dalam surah yang bermaksud:
"(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat
adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat,
dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat
untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat;
(sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik
untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik,
dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik
untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik.
Mereka (yang baik) itu
adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk)
yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat);
mereka (yang baik) itu
akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah)
dan pengurniaan yang mulia".
You know that my heart is growing more and more
As my heart becomes bigger
You know my tears are increasing more and more
Because of him..
My mood are always like this..
I will updated ASAP
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"(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat
adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat,
dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat
untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat;
untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik,
dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik
untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik.
Mereka (yang baik) itu
adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk)
yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat);
mereka (yang baik) itu
akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah)
dan pengurniaan yang mulia".
(An-Nuur ayat:26)
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