Saturday, 30 November 2013
CopyPasta..How To FeEL Better
1. If you like someone, wait.
2. Give lots of compliments, even if you’re shy. Everyone else is too.
3. Change. Get a haircut, try new perfume, get new sheets. Become better than you were before.
4. Eat healthier. Learn to cook something fancy.
5. Get up earlier and watch the sun come up.
6. Wear soft clothes, take a bath, drink something warm.
7. Meet someone new, even just a friend.
8. Become closer with your friends and your family. Call your mother. Cry with your best friend. Tell everyone how much you appreciate them.
9. Keep your room clean. Buy some candles. Let the natural light in.
10. Make a list of reasons why you’ll be better off without them. Believe they are true, because they are.
11. Listen to new music.
12. Write everything you’re thinking and feeling. Write letters. Write happy letters, sad letters, and angry letters, even if you’re never going to send them.
13. It’s okay to be sad, but not forever. Sadness is not as beautiful as music makes it seem. Lack of sleep makes your eyes droopy, not deep. Wake up every morning and tell yourself you’re going to have a good day.
14. Go to the library. Don’t forget to look in the music section.
15. Remove them from your life. Get rid of the things they gave you if they make you sad. They’re not worth it. You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad.
16. Make new memories.
17. Try to find something to appreciate in everything you do or experience.
18. Being alone is okay, you don’t have to surround yourself with people.
19. Become your own best friend. Buy yourself coffee and drink it alone in a cafe. Take your time.
20. Learn to love every bit of yourself.
2. Give lots of compliments, even if you’re shy. Everyone else is too.
3. Change. Get a haircut, try new perfume, get new sheets. Become better than you were before.
4. Eat healthier. Learn to cook something fancy.
5. Get up earlier and watch the sun come up.
6. Wear soft clothes, take a bath, drink something warm.
7. Meet someone new, even just a friend.
8. Become closer with your friends and your family. Call your mother. Cry with your best friend. Tell everyone how much you appreciate them.
9. Keep your room clean. Buy some candles. Let the natural light in.
10. Make a list of reasons why you’ll be better off without them. Believe they are true, because they are.
11. Listen to new music.
12. Write everything you’re thinking and feeling. Write letters. Write happy letters, sad letters, and angry letters, even if you’re never going to send them.
13. It’s okay to be sad, but not forever. Sadness is not as beautiful as music makes it seem. Lack of sleep makes your eyes droopy, not deep. Wake up every morning and tell yourself you’re going to have a good day.
14. Go to the library. Don’t forget to look in the music section.
15. Remove them from your life. Get rid of the things they gave you if they make you sad. They’re not worth it. You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad.
16. Make new memories.
17. Try to find something to appreciate in everything you do or experience.
18. Being alone is okay, you don’t have to surround yourself with people.
19. Become your own best friend. Buy yourself coffee and drink it alone in a cafe. Take your time.
20. Learn to love every bit of yourself.
^^^Copy Paste Article^^^^
Friday, 29 November 2013
Semua Makhluk H've Problems
Ini bukan cerita pasai
debat yang berlaku beberpa bulan lepas,
ini cerita baru punya,
tak der kena mengena
antara yang dekat atau jauh..
juz nak buat ksimpulan
tentang masalah2 yg belengu diri orang2 sekeliling
Dalam dunia siber ini,
kegunaan smartphones, ipad la, tablet la..n so on
ada kebaikan dan keburukannya jugak..
ikut otak pemakai la..
maksudnya ikut kesesuaian pada tempat la..
klu ada smartphone mcm2 benda kita bleyh buat
instagram,twitter,fb..wechat,whassup..semua ada
nampak tak aplikasi2 ni ada kbaikannya...
kta lihat pada keburukan plak
terutama pada budak2 muda
bnyak mende budak2 ni upload
yg benda2 yg orng tak suka tengok..
kadang nak tunjuk perihal kegedikan mereka,,
ketegehan + kejelikan mereka,,,
ada jgak spesies hat suka menunjuk
p sana sini nak tunjuk, beli tu beli ni nak tnjuk
haha...kadang depa ni tak sedar
orng yg dok tengok
mluat tak tau dah...
best solution is...unfriend/unfollow..
so xderla buat bnyak dosa sngat...
'Verbal violences leaves deep Scar'
Sbnarnya aku pon teringin jgak
nak pakai smartphones..
ak dok pikiar bnyak2 kali sebelum nak beli..
it's samae like old phones..
klu takdak internet no use jugak..
but...the problem is..
adik n abng dok jauh..
so time kta nak call or buat somethin urgent
'let's say when my adik nk blik
we need to keep contact each other..
xder smartphone susah..sbb tak bleyh nak tau
dok kat mane...haha
Lagi satu..Duitduitduit..
mana engkau duit...
agak kerakusan duit di akhir2 bulan
waktu awal2 bulan bnyak mende memikir
tpi bla dah rosak dua2 tepon...
argggghhh...tension gler mak oiiit..
memang senang nak minta
kat FAMA or TOKJA...
but...perasaan malu tak tahu nak habar lgu mana
Bcuz dah bnyak susahkan mereka,,,
Lagi satu...aku suka terpengaruh
kadang2 besala..kwn2 asyik dok persenda kta
so keinginan nak beli tu sangat kuat...
adoiiii...stop bargain,haggle,quibble on me..
sometimes..i feel irritates
btw..i'm not take as serious matter..wawawa
The only things that i want to do right now..
Juz wait for durian runtuh...
I can’t wait ‘til the day that I finally get to say,
“Mom,Abah,Tok,Jang, you don’t have to work anymore.
Relax. I can support you now.
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.”
Thank You Allah for all the sorrows & happiness
You have given me over the years
because I have learned from it
and it’s bought me so much closer to you.
nak pakai smartphones..
ak dok pikiar bnyak2 kali sebelum nak beli..
it's samae like old phones..
klu takdak internet no use jugak..
but...the problem is..
adik n abng dok jauh..
so time kta nak call or buat somethin urgent
'let's say when my adik nk blik
we need to keep contact each other..
xder smartphone susah..sbb tak bleyh nak tau
dok kat mane...haha
Lagi satu..Duitduitduit..
mana engkau duit...
agak kerakusan duit di akhir2 bulan
waktu awal2 bulan bnyak mende memikir
tpi bla dah rosak dua2 tepon...
argggghhh...tension gler mak oiiit..
memang senang nak minta
kat FAMA or TOKJA...
but...perasaan malu tak tahu nak habar lgu mana
Bcuz dah bnyak susahkan mereka,,,
Lagi satu...aku suka terpengaruh
kadang2 besala..kwn2 asyik dok persenda kta
so keinginan nak beli tu sangat kuat...
adoiiii...stop bargain,haggle,quibble on me..
sometimes..i feel irritates
btw..i'm not take as serious matter..wawawa
The only things that i want to do right now..
Juz wait for durian runtuh...
I can’t wait ‘til the day that I finally get to say,
“Mom,Abah,Tok,Jang, you don’t have to work anymore.
Relax. I can support you now.
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.”
Thank You Allah for all the sorrows & happiness
You have given me over the years
because I have learned from it
and it’s bought me so much closer to you.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Kenapa Perlu Lelaki??
Tentu pelik kan..
aku buat tajuk entry ni..
tentu korang ingat..ak ni bajet si gadis
'macam comel jer, macam cantik jer'
hehe...ak terpikir la nak tnya opinion
korang semua tentang apa yg ak
Sebenarnya dah lama ak perhatikan...
Sejak semnjak aku ada pesbuk..
ak tengok ramai sungguh
orng asyik tempah lelaki jer jdi mak andam..
dari situ ak dok pikir..hehe
ak memang suka dok memikiaq..
masa make up or make decison..
ada tak pompuan2 tuh pernah pikir
ak ni tak der la cetek agama sangat..
tpi bla aku tnya anak sedara ak yg umur 7 tahun
mereka bleyh bgi kot jawapan yg relevan
'lelaki & pompuan yg bkn muhrim mana bleyh sentuh ALANG'
betapa kolotnya pemikiran orng dewasa or mudamudi..
Aku tak salahkan fitrah kaum Adam dan Hawa..
Tpi..kita bleyh pikir mana yg elok mana yg tak elok??
maksudnya..sapa yang masih menggunakan khidmat
mak andam lelaki...
jahil agama nampaknya??
mungkin kata2 ak ni agak jahat..
sebb boleyh ganggu pendapatan mereka..
tpi apa salahnya klu mereka memilih
kaum sjenis mereka untuk di SOLEK..
Lagi satu aku tak salahkan mak andam ni...
aku melihat pompuan sekarang
agak tergedik-gedik
nak pilih mak andam lelaki..
ak memang tak paham..
bakal laki depa tak cakap apa2 ka siott..
korang tak jelesss ke tengok bakal isteri korang
kena sentuh dgn lelaki lain..ishish..
So Alkonklusinya...
Salah ke kalau ak berbicara atau persoalkan??
klu ak tnya orng ada taraf agama tinggi pon..
ak rasa jawapan mereka insyallah sama..
p:s...ak harap waktu wedding aku nnt
aku tak nak letak make up tebal2..
sbb ak dah try cuba..owh gosh
Bad Days
Keinginan nak tulis entry memang ada..
Disebbkan kekangan masa yg terlalu padat
so aktviti blogger ni agak tergendala..ahakkss
Hi..meranam hei Awatif..Cikgu Awatif/Baby/Lisa
Rindu jugak nak tulis merapu neyh
So cuti2 skolah shaja yang mampu aku luangkan bersamamu
Love U so bloggg
Sebelum tu nak citer ckit
kronologi kesibukan hidup aku..
sbelom ak dapat tulis entry terbaru..
Sat2 noh...nok tulis pakai bullet udah ler...
- Bulan pertama---Busy dengan kerja pensyarah kesayangan Mr Ong..masa ni agak tensen sbb 1st week,2nd,3rd and so on..mostly buat abm..btw..smua ni adalah satu keje praktikal..ak beruntung dpat pensyarah yang sentiasa fikir masa akhir2 sem tak kaluit sngat..Betoika???krikrik
- Bulan ketiga-----busy dgn praktikum..ahakss...ingatkan tak syok praktikum kali nak mampuih..sbb I got 2 gurls that's really awesome..they helps me alot..same goes to k.yati..yang snggup bertahan dengan perangai ceqqq..
- Bulan2 terakhir-----menghadap buku untuk peperiksaaan yg akan kunjung tiba..masa ni la baru terhegeh2 nak cari Notes..naseb baek ada 3 subjek..tpi rasa mcm 20 subjek
- Then..Cuti Skolah....preparing hari2 nak tambah LEMAKKK..adoiyaiiii alkisah semester neyh..
semester depan lagi mencabar
so prepare mental n fizikal plak..
Action Research sedang menanti
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