Makes ur days shine wif flowers
BUNGA..yahh!!sinonim dengan wanita
Mohong..klu cakap ada
wanita di luar tak suka bunga??
EXCEPT .... dia memang allergic dengan bunga!!!
Haha!Gelak dekat orang...hmmm
Haha!Gelak dekat orang...hmmm
BUNGA adalah simbolik
kecantikan seorang wanita..
Bunga menjadikan our life BAHAGIA
especially when it gives by orang TERCINTA
Flowers don’t just lift our spirits
by their beauty and aroma,
they have also been used as potent remedies
for thousands of years.
They contain the medical secrets
BUNGA boleh digandingkan dengan apa saja....
A bouqet of flowers are beside us...
Mmmm..bau wangi bunga
menyemarakkan diri
Untuk baca BUKU
BUNGA juga dikaitkan dengan words
Ayat Bunga + 꽃을 사랑 +ロマンチックな言葉
Ayat-ayat bunga ini boleh ditujukan
Perkataan romantics boleh eratkan kasih-sayang..
It's also boleh lembutkan hati para manusia
Membolehkan seorang tertawan wif diri kita
'Kejiwangan + Kesopanan' yang ada dalam diri kita
Sesunggohnya..sayalah orang itu!!!!HAHA
Memang anda semua tak caya
Apa itu khasiat Bunga..if the advice are given from mee..
So..let's see Penyelidikan Mengenai Benefits of Flowers
"Participants of a behavioral study conducted by researchers
at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital confirmed that they feel
least positive in the early hours but reported
being happier and more energetic
least positive in the early hours but reported
being happier and more energetic
after looking at flowers first thing in the morning."
But for mee..
Juz my 'thought'
Mungkin sebab kita bangun pukul bunga dah tak FRESH!!!
Which BUNGA is my favourite??
Fleur préférée ...!!!
For Example:
Lily~ provide a similar milder..drug to digitalis,
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