Now I feel relieved..
My bro coming back home..
I will torture him..
I wanna ask him to company me...
to everywhere that I want to visit..
When he's at home..
I'll make sure he like my masakan..
Tangliate or Lasagna..
I will try my best..
all the ingredients i've already bought it..TESCO
I will make sure..
it ends deliciously..
Hmmmm...don't want to praise myself..
Then let's make it 'Karipap'
so i can bring back to Tok & Jang..
By the way..only
minced chicken left..ottoke..
How about my grandma??
she can't eat chicken..
should I go to market??
to find some prawns..hmmm..
Let's think about it first..
Yeah tomorow..someone
has promised me..
Komtar Mari..
he wanna bought his new laptop..
Should I find new clothes or the best things..
Let's have breakfast and lunch time at McD or KFC..
The day that I wait so much..dabedabedu..
My fully schedules..
Insyallah I will be at Jeniang..
My Tok and Jang called for many times..
'Kakak balik durian dah gugur'..
Owh..i see..not my favourite fruits..
But atas diaorang punya desires..
Insyallah..I will be there tomorrow nights..
Do Nanie, Syifa', Maira, Amir & Amar were there???
I'm awaited and miss them so much..
I can't imagine their blossoms smile..
dah lama tak jdi mak cik tua..
nak nagging .....dooosh!dooosh
Life is Beautiful..
This life seriously no jokes..
Hardful, Cheerful, Wonderful...
Let us renungkan wif the notes..
that I've taken from Rawda...
O sister, get real,
don’t fall for the guy that don’t pray
don’t fall for the guy that don’t pray
and can’t
humble himself
in front of the Almighty Allah,
in front of the Almighty Allah,
if he can’t love Allah,
Our Provider,
Our Sustainer, Our Lord,
Our Sustainer, Our Lord,
what hope is there that he will
love you truly?
Where is the sincerity in this love?
Wouldn’t you wish
to be loved
based on the love of Allah?
based on the love of Allah?
Subhan’Allah there isn’t a
greater peace or comfort
to be loved by a God-Fearing man
that will
treat you right for Allah’s blessings
and won’t hurt you intentionally
due to fear of Allah.
due to fear of Allah.
Stay patient, make plenty of dua always
and leave the rest to Allah.
and leave the rest to Allah.
Your fate is not in your hands.